Club Med

Travel Media’s Suscess Story

Club Med has achieved, with Travel Media, more than 6 millions of impressions in its campaigns.

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+ 6 million

million impressions


Average CTR

Media solutions to reach Club Med's potential customers

Travel Medi a worked together with Club Med so that anyone interested in the club knew that it was possible to have the best prices and the best experience, making their own reservations directly from the resort's website. The results were impressive and exceeded expectations!

More about

Club Med

Club Med is a French company that operates in the tourism sector, providing hotel and leisure services. It has several luxury resorts distributed all over the world, four of which are in Brazil alone.

The first Club Med Village was opened in 1950. Since then, a lot has changed, except for one thing: the desire to offer a complete, relaxing stay in the most beautiful landscapes, with the least possible impact on nature.

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Travel media 2022 @ todos os direitos reservados Desenvolvido com <3 por: Performa Web & Hagooa