Travel Media is a media hub specializing in advertising for travel and entertainment.
We connect brands and companies to millions of travelers who browse and buy by using the main outlets in the sector in Latin America, including: Climatempo, Decolar, GRU Airport, Melhores Destinos, Rappi Travel, Sympla and ViajaNet.
Connect with millions of travelers from all over Latin America who are supplied at the right time in the purchase journey through our partner outlets.
Discover our brands!Our business partners are references within the tourism and travel market, and reach the traveler at the ideal time, in the best way
Leverage our data!Our partners have over
visits to their websites and, by using marketing strategies, are able to provide them with useful content at the right time and in the right way.
Talk to our digital media consultants to learn how to best engage, influence and convert your target audience.
Contact us!