+ 14 thousand

followers on Instagram

+ 6 million

active users in Brazil


Rappi Travel

Rappi Travel is an online agency that offers everything an OTA offers, but with differentials in personalized offers and user experience. Customers can set up price alerts and buy tourism products in a simple way and in the same application where they make other types of purchases, which is Rappi.

In addition, on Rappi Travel, travelers can make changes to reservations, tickets, dates and rates without needing human contact through a call center. All is done in a personalized manner based on your interaction history with the app.

What Rappi Travel offers


Your brand’s banner will be advertised on Rappi Travel’s display in a strategic manner to directly impact your expected targeted audience.

E-mail Marketing

Promotional messages sent via e-mail in a contextualized manner and aligned with the advertiser's campaign, with the possibility of opting in to the entire user base.

Push Notifications

Targeted and segmented alerts for Rappi Travel app users with links directing the user to an environment outside the app.

Landing Page

A page within the Rappi Travel website with dynamic offers of the destination or product, by using a header with the advertiser's image, logo and additional information.

Social Media

Publications made in our partners’ stories, mainly on Instagram, which is currently the most popular social network in Brazil.

We connect brands to millions of people in Brazil and other Latin American countries throughout the purchasing journey.

We offer several services to reach your target audience at the right time and in the right way through the websites of our renowned partners within the tourism and entertainment sectors!

Get in touch!

Let's talk!

Talk to our digital media consultants to learn how to best engage, influence and convert your target audience.

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